
To navigate through the data and generate reports, please click on the menu link to “explore.” You will be taken to a series of drop-down menus to construct the database you would like. First, select the satellite or satellites you would like to review. To select satellites, mouse-click the one you would like, or hold down the control key and click more than one. At the bottom of the list of satellites are categories of satellite that group several together according to functional or other characteristics. As you scroll over the categories, you will see an explanation of the kinds of satellite each category contains.

Once you have selected the satellites you would like, you will have an opportunity to choose the variables, or characteristics, of the entity that are of interest to you. You can select multiple variables by holding the control key and mouse-clicking on the variables you would like to select. As you scroll over variables, you will see an explanation of the information the variable contains.

You can also explore relationships among satellites and board members in an interactive graphics display by selecting an entity and viewing it on a single page, which will include a clickable link to the board members. From the entity page, or from the page with the board members, you will see a tab that enables you to view the entity or board members within a network of satellites and board members to which they're linked. Clicking on this tab will show you a graphic representation of linkages among board members and entities.

This feature makes it possible to visualize the linkages across New Orleans satellites. The entity you've selected will be represented as a node, ringed by its board members. Clicking on a board member will re-center the image on the board member, allowing you to see the other boards on which that board member sits. You can click on another node to re-center the image on a new board and see its board members, thereby tracing the linkages across satellites through their board members.

Once you have selected the information you would like to view, you have several options for output. One option is to see the data in a database, exported in an excel spreadsheet. This can be easily loaded into a data management and analysis program. Alternatively, in the case of linkages among entities, you can graphically view the degree of overlap among entities.